
this is would be my choice song to perform.. given i had a) a band b) talent and c) a venue




Happiness by Jane Kenyon

There’s just no accounting for happiness,

or the way it turns up like a prodigal

who comes back to the dust at your feet

having squandered a fortune far away.

And how can you not forgive?

You make a feast in honor of what

was lost, and take from its place the finest

garment, which you saved for an occasion

you could not imagine, and you weep night and day

to know that you were not abandoned,

that happiness saved its most extreme form

for you alone.

No, happiness is the uncle you never

knew about, who flies a single-engine plane

onto the grassy landing strip, hitchhikes

into town, and inquires at every door

until he finds you asleep midafternoon

as you so often are during the unmerciful

hours of your despair.

It comes to the monk in his cell.

It comes to the woman sweeping the street

with a birch broom, to the child

whose mother has passed out from drink.

It comes to the lover, to the dog chewing

a sock, to the pusher, to the basketmaker,

and to the clerk stacking cans of carrots

in the night.

It even comes to the boulder

in the perpetual shade of pine barrens,

to rain falling on the open sea,

to the wineglass, weary of holding wine.


Her eyes are the opening to the soul

Where spirits lie and secrets can be told

Make her an offer your fortune can be sold


i wish i knew the artist - loving queen mab lately. I have R+J in graphic novel form and the queen mab speech in it is fantastic. never fear shakespeare!


the veil of dreams, of sweet dreams, that make the world appear rose-coloured


roses are red
violets are blue
fuck you, whore

a shadow in the fourth dimention

i thought this wouldnt hurt a lot, i guess not


uncertainty is a bitch


me... asap... fck

thnx meg


i use antlers in all of my decorating

How can you read this? There's no pictures!


And I know I'm gonna steal her eye
She doesn't even know what's wrong
And I know I'm gonna make her die
Take her where her soul belongs
And I know I'm gonna steal her eye
Nothing that I wouldn't try

wayy too much time on fuckyeahslightlyamusing


Lilac wine is sweet and heady, like my love
Lilac wine, I feel unsteady, like my love


i just died, steph i miss you

lots tequilas

cinco de mayo